Youth Ministry 1

Youth Ministry 1

The purpose of this course is to help train and teach the servant of God the ins and outs of Youth Ministry work. We will go over topics such as how to start and build a weekly teen preaching service, how to run a teen soul-winning program, what it takes to be a youth...
Highlights of Revelation

Highlights of Revelation

Description: The goal of this class is to help the Christian understand exactly what the Bible has to say about the events described in the book of Revelation. If you have a difficult time understanding the details of these events, or if you find yourself out of sorts...
Miracles in the Bible

Miracles in the Bible

Description: The Bible is packed full of adventure, mystery, excitement, drama, and many of thesethings can be attributed to the miracles that took place in the Word of God. During this course, we willexplore 13 miracles throughout the old and new testaments to learn...
Early American History

Early American History

It is imperative for every American to know the history of our country. It is even more imperative for a Christian American to know that same history in an above and beyond manner. The saying goes, “those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” The...
Youth Ministry 2

Youth Ministry 2

Description: Youth Ministry II builds on the principles and teaching of Youth Ministry I. Where Youth Ministry I focused more on building the structure of the youth ministry, Youth Ministry II gives more focus on the teenager as an individual. This class will cover...