The Bible says “…be ready always to give an answer to every man…”. Words matter. God has given us language as a tool to communicate with each other and with Him. It is important that we learn how to properly use this tool. Understanding English will benefit every area...
Description: In Scripture Memorization Lab I, you will do both your mind and your Christianity a favor by memorizing many Bible verses. One of the greatest things you can put into your mind is the perfect, holy, Word of God. God’s Word could be compared to a...
Description: Welcome to Scripture Memorization Lab 2! We are pleased that you continue your journey toward filling your mind with the all-powerful words of God. Please remember that the purpose of these memory verses is to enable you to live better for Him...
The Godly Reading Lab class is all about saturating our minds with good reading materials. As Christians, we should read our Bibles daily, thoroughly and often. God makes it clear in His Word that reading is a big part of the Christian life. There are materials...